August Newsletter


EDPA is now accepting submissions for the 2020 EDPA Awards. This year’s awards will be presented at ACCESS 2020 on December 2nd, 2020.  Award categories include: 

  • The Hazel Hays Award - recognizes an individual for outstanding contribution to the experiential/exhibit industry overall.  The award is the highest honor bestowed by EDPA. 

  • The Ambassador Award - acknowledges an individual for outstanding service or contribution to EDPA and the industry. 

  • Design of the Year Award - acknowledges a designer who works to enhance the professional standards of experiential/exhibit designers.

  • The Eddie Awards - recognizes outstanding creative achievements for self-promotion within the experiential/event industry across categories.

  • International Collaboration Award - recognizes companies which have formed international partnerships to deliver outstanding work for their clients.

  • Future Leaders Award - honoring the best and brightest young professionals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities.

  • Chapter of the Year Awards - acknowledges outstanding chapters for their diligence and hard work in promoting EDPA, and its innovative ways in forging ahead.

Enter now! The deadline for the awards is Friday, October 2, 2020.  Find the award submission instructions on

EDPA Advocacy – your help is needed!


We are calling on EDPA members to reach out to their Representatives and Senators to urge them to finalize a new PPP bill and help our industry recover.

Click here for letter templated for Senators

Click here to for letter template for the House of Representatives 


Southern Cal

Event Title:  Meet the Women in Exhibitions Group
Event Date:   8/20/20
Event Location: Zoom 
Time:  12:30 - 1:30PM PDT 

Event Description: EDPA California will be learning about the Women In Exhibitions group via Zoom. Co-leader Katina Rigall Zipay of Classic Exhibits will be speaking about the organization.

Registration link:


Event Title:  Get Out of the Gutter Goes Virtual!
Event Date:   8/20/20
Event Location: Zoom – info to follow once you register.
Time:  4:00-5:00PM EST

Event Description: Join your fellow South East EDPA Chapter members for a special happy hours and don't forget to wear your favorite bowling shirt! Sign up to attend and participate to win prizes. This happy hour will be right up your alley! Spare some time and sign up using the link - and as always, we love to see you, so turn on those cameras! Because that's how we roll!

Registration link:

Great Lakes

Event Title:  Save The Date for our next IN-PERSON Meeting!
Event Date:  Thursday, September 17
Event Location: TBD
Time:  7:00PM EST

Event Description: We miss everyone! Please save the date for our next in-person meeting. We are a face-to-face industry, and we are excited to get back to it and see our friends and colleagues!


Event Title:  Weekly Happy Hour

Event Date:  Every Wednesday
Event Location: Virtual via Zoom
Time: 5:00 – 6:00PM CST

Event Description: Wellness check and socialization with the EDPA Texas chapter team

Registration link: By Invitation – if interested in joining contact Texas Chapter President, Matthew Little @

Women in Exhibitions 

Event Title: Bi-weekly Zoom Share
Event Date: Starting again July 22, 2020, and continuing bi-weekly on Wednesday through the end of the year.
Event Location: Zoom
Time: 1:00 – 2:00PM PDT

Event Description: If you are a woman in the exhibitions industry please join us for our bi-weekly Zoom calls. Topics are timely to our current events and are always highly informative and insightful. Registration and details can be found on the Women in Exhibitions LinkedIn Group. Please request to join for access to the Zoom registration link.

Registration link:




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