Make This Earth Day Meaningful
Jason Popp
President & CEO, Moss
This month, on April 22nd, we celebrate Earth Day. Proposed by Senator Gaylord Nelson, from my great home state of Wisconsin, the original purpose was to draw the general public’s attention to environmental issues… think “elementary school anti-litter campaigns” and the like. My, how far we’ve regressed as a society.
Now, in 2023, Earth Day has become an exhortation, not a celebration. We’re faced with serious environmental threats – climate change of course, but also global species decline, water availability issues, and the seemingly unending stream of waste to our limited landfills. It can feel overwhelming at times.
But the good news is we can change. We have the capabilities to fix these problems.
Our industry, the global events industry, can certainly be wasteful. But it can be resourceful beyond imagination. Look at how we responded during the global pandemic which, in a matter of days, choked off our livelihoods. Our associations, businesses, and individuals sprang into action, innovated, and generated support and interest in our vital industry. We can – and must – do the same here.
Resources are available for you to act.
First, start with your association, EDPA. It provides exceptional leadership here through its motivated members and active sustainability committee. Second, familiarize yourself with the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative (, it has helpful resources on what the events industry must do on the road to net zero. Next, ensure your company, and its leadership, acts as much as it talks. But the best place to start is with yourself and your own decisions and actions. As the author Robert Swan said, “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”. Make it a meaningful Earth Day this year.